Saturday, January 23, 2010

Frenzied Recordings

The following dreams cling barely to proper sentence structure and seem more to be the unhinged notes of one trying desperately to remember. The following Dreams took place betwixt the dates of the 25th of November 2009 to the 15th of January, 2010.


Blue domed (onion domes) arabian-esque palace, 3 domes, 1 large 2 small surrounded by green jungle, island?, fountain of nude female in front of it, hallways cool and dry, strange cobalt-ish blue stone. Light cast by pots and braziers of glowing water. All colors are deep blues and gold. The scene is silent except for the sounds of jungle wildlife in the distance, but inside the palace there is heard the sound of lapping water.


Small, square island, walled by red brick wall about 20ft high. Gated with silver portcullis, within there is grass and a small central plaza with a clay pot. Within the pot is a deadly green & blue cobra. no ceiling.


Castle of old grey stone built on cliff, gate is sealed but old staircase built into the slope as you near the edge rises up side of castle to a wooden door leading within. Opposite the door, in the distance the grass and treeless plains give way to sudden desert and twin pyramids crouch silently. Often, a tall man dressed in a multitude of belts and red and black garments is either sitting on the steps of the staircase or silently strolling across the plains to the far distant pyramids. The castle is empty but contains old wood interior and a table that was once used for feasts. The sea is always silent and crystal blue and is far from the cliffs edge, a very long drop. The image breaths with life, but whether it is Life current, life once there but now gone or Life to be is unknown. The world feels like there was once something, but now it is empty except for the observer. There is a faint smell of cinnamon.


A black room, great wide window on one side looking out on space (stars and asteroids), darkwood desk on far side of room, no doors. Being cloaked in shadow sitting at desk. A water clock sits on the desk. The entity taps it with an impossibly long, black, sharp talon and says "Ah, but my clock runs differently." As I gaze at the water clock I am overcome with a primal terror of something not being right.


I am floating above the surface of some far off planet. I am breathing slowly yet steadily. I seem to be encased in some type of silver orb; a cocoon of sorts. I know nothing of my form, yet I feel the whitewashed rocks below me and the chasms in the ground seeks to crystallize my feeling of utter isolation. I feel isolated from anything I had ever known in the waking world, and, glancing about I note multiple orbs of translucent silver somewhat like mine, and the forms in them are inky black, and terrible to behold.

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.